NovatTech FX Reviews, And How To Recover your Assets From NovatTech FX.

NovatTech FX Reviews, And How To Recover your Assets From NovatTech FX.

Having the potential to make someone go into a debt trap, scammers lure their victims in with irresistible offers and discounts. In this segment, we will be telling our readers about a few important points that you must look for in a broker before opening an account with them. Remember, nobody has a right over your money. Gatebits is found to possess some or all of the following traits of a scam broker.


Who Owns NovaTech FX?  

NovatTech FX is backed by three key individuals who play crucial roles in the company.


  • Cynthia Petion CEO
  • Eddy Petion as COO
  • Ricardo Roy as CTO

These details can also be found on their website.

However, what you won’t find on their website is the past history of certain individuals.

For instance, Eddy has previous involvement with a company called AWS Mining (Automated Web Services), as shown in this video:  
(AWS means Automated Web Services)


Is NovaTech FX Registered?  

The company lacks proper registration, which means there are no regulations in place for NovaTechFX. Consequently, the funds and individuals involved are at risk and lack any form of guarantee.

Although some individuals may currently be able to withdraw funds, this temporary success is a characteristic of a typical pyramid scheme. Such schemes often appear functional for a couple of years before eventually collapsing.

While it cannot be definitively proven as a Ponzi scheme, there are compelling signs indicating its resemblance to one.


NovatTech FX is an online investment and trading platform, designed to help clients achieve maximum profit, bonuses and safe withdrawal without the need for extensive study or experience. NovatTech FX is a global entity with regional offices almost all over the world. NovatTech FX  is not a Good broker because of many clients complaints and report about their lost money to NovatTech FX scam, based on activities of the past 9 months live trading of experienced clients, great spreads news and reviews about NovatTech FX scam,

NovatTech FX customer support have been ghosting lately according to recent research. Trading investors are advices to read about the terms and condition before registering with any online trading investments platform, many traders tend to neglect that and take it for granted. Overall NovatTech FX is not an excellent broker. Apex ChargeBack company do not recommend NovatTech FX platform.

  Many fraudsters have seen the opportunity to scam people with binary options, forex, cfds, stockmarkets, investors need to be careful choosing platform to trust, once you notice suspicious activities with a trading platform do not hesitate to file a case with the right authorities. If you fall victim to broker scam be fast to file a chargeback or recovery of your lost money with Apex ChargeBack. contact us via our live chat or email on our website .

NovatTech FX pretend to be a reliable forex broker, but many traders have meet their doom as soon as they make their first deposit and other attached payment. Sometimes they request for more and more fees. This is why you should make sure that you are dealing with a legitimate regulated licensed broker, although regulated brokers still involve in scam activities but filing for a recovery is even easier with a regulated broker. B1A00785-8AAB-4ADB-96E7-92D5282DEC9E
Can you earn money trading with NovatTech FX?


Just like any other investments, there are risks involved, and risks are even higher with Brokers like NovatTech FX.

Those that are successful with trading are making a huge amount of money weekly, daily and monthly, depending on the trading method and investment plan you choose with the broker you are investing with. While some investors have earn from NovatTech FX, majority of the users end up losing their investment, after initial deposit they also make you pay fees like commission fees, tax fees, upgrade and other unnecessary fess, this is where the trouble start. Apex CbargeBack do consider NovatTech FX a platform to profit from. If you have been scammed by NovatTech FX fill the form for chargeback on the main menu.

        Fee in Advance

This is one of the most common types of Investment Scams. The scam brokerage firms in this case will ask for a specific amount of advance fee from their customers. The scammer first contacts the customers and asks them for a deposit. The deposit will also be lured in from them by using tricks such as high bonuses and limited period high returns etc. The scammers take the money and vanish without a trace leaving the poor victims in a helpless state.

         Offshore Firm scams

In such types of scams, the brokerage firms will claim to be regulated and be settled in countries with top-tier regulators. However, in reality, these brokerage firms are based out of the offshore zones where there are no regulators present. Unregulated brokerage firms do not provide any kind of security to the deposit you have made. 




Have You Seen Scammed By NovatTech FX Broker?


People that fall for online trading frauds don’t always consider the fact that they can get assistance for REFUND if you use our service by contacting the company website and file your Compliant to us on how you where scammed, we can help you get back your refund.

Sometimes people are ashamed to speak up when they fall victim to scam, but this doesn’t mean you should ignore it and try to go on with your life. This is not something you are going to forget overnight and it might end up becoming a problem for life, a people are suffering globally because of this. The good news is that with the technology that we have today, it is a lot easier to get assistance after you are defrauded. file a complaint immediately here .

How to get back your money from NovatTech FX?


If you already are a victim of Validus fraud, you should go to the Apex ChargeBack homepage and report them to us immediately to help get your refund. It is important that we know about these scams and tries to find the sources. However we will get back all your lost money and it is guaranteed.

The chance that you are going to get your money back with apexchargeback is 95% guaranteed. We will help you catch the individual behind the scam and bring them to justice to pay for all they steal from you, and they will be refunded back to your bank account within 6-10 working days.

The secret is that you should just know where to find the right assistance for this type of scam.

Unfortunately, disputes involving authorized transactions are really hard to handle and require a lot of technical knowledge which means you will need the help of lawyers and experts in the field.

This is where CyberChargeback is coming in the picture. Our longtime partner is an expert in complex transaction disputes and has already recovered millions of dollars for victims. All you need to do is fill our form for a free consultation and they will build a customized chargeback case for you.


what is a chargeback?


A chargeback is the reversal of a transaction made by credit/debit card or wire transfer, or Cryptocurrency, Bank transfers e.t.c

When you have been scammed and you have paid money to them with your credit or debit card, or with a direct bank deposit, you can actually get your money back if you know how regulations and financial laws are working and you build a strong chargeback case. This is why we recommend Recovery experts such as our company to help you build such a strong case against this scam broker and bring them to justice.

NovatTech FX scams are unfortunately still a reality so you should be aware of it. And if you have already fallen for one of these frauds, Fill the form on top of the page and file a complaint with us. Once our analysts check the legitimacy of your complaint, we will get back to you with solutions to get your money back




How to avoid trading investments scams.


> Asking all kinds of questions to the scammer may throw them off balance as they don’t expect you to do any research. Therefore, if you receive calls regarding investment schemes, ask them lots of questions. If they are a legitimate brokerage firm, then they have nothing to worry about at all.

> Do your own research. If you are a trader in the financial market or are planning to enter the market, this should be your motto. No matter what they claim on their website, one must always conduct a thorough investigation of their own before investing your hard-earned money into any kind of trade or investment. 

> If you get offers that sound too good to be true. Beware! It might be a scam. If the broker is suddenly offering you high returns or 100% bonuses or high leverages, you must be careful as     scam brokers adopt these methods in order to lure the victims in.

If you have been scammed by any such investment scams, you need not worry anymore as we are here.